

Nice mini version of the Coconut Mango cake, with a crunchy tartelette base.

Makes: 4 little tarts

Prep time: 20 min

Cooking: 25 min at 180 degree celsius


For the gluten free Tart base you need:

  • 70g ground almonds – mixed ground nuts work too.
  • 30g coconut flour
  • 50g quark or Yoghurt (if you don’t want to use dairy you could use the thick separate part of the coconut milk)
  • 30g coconut oil ( you can use other oil if needed)
  • couple of drops vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1-3  knife-tips Stevia-sweet 90% powder dissolved in 1 table spoons hot water

Note: getting the sweetness to the desired level is a matter of trial and error, the best thing is to start with a smaller amount of whatever Stevia you have on hand, it can be ready-use, liquid or tabs (need to be dissolved too), adding more is easier than diluting – you could end up with a huge amount of treat -Don’t have any Stevia yet? – you can always use normal sweetener products until you are set up.


Mix dry ingredients with baking powder.

Dissolve the coconut oil. Mix with quark dissolved stevia.

combine the dry and the wet ingredients well, then knead by hand to form a lump.

Divide the lump into 4 equal pieces.

Grease the tartlets and dust with coconut flour. ( I do this over the bowl with my dry ingredients to not waste any)

Work each piece of dough into a tartlet, filling all the little ridges.

For filling after baking it’s best to blind bake by cutting out a round piece of baking paper. Lay it into the tart before baking and weigh it down with pulses or the ceramic pearls used to do this with.

Place in the pre-heated oven for  25 min, the tarts are ready when they have a light golden colour.

Leave to cool for 1hour on cooling rack.


Mango coconut cream:

Tops: a round 13cm cake that is 5.5cm high – Cut into a layer that suits your base depth.

Prep time: 15 min

Setting time:  2-4hours


  • 2 fresh Mangos (keep half of one for decorating)
  • 400ml cane of Coconut Milk (not the light version)
  • 2tbsp Lemon juice
  • 8Leaf Gelatin or what ever your Galatin brand prescribes for the volume in this recipe.
  • 1-2 knife-tips Stevia-sweet 90% powder dissolved in 1 table spoons hot water

Note: getting the sweetness to the desired level is a matter of trial and error, the best thing is to start with a smaller amount of whatever Stevia you have on hand, it can be ready-use, liquid or tabs (need to be dissolved too), adding more is easier than diluting – you could end up with a huge amount of treat -Don’t have any Stevia yet? – you can always use normal sweetener products until you are set up.


  • peel and cut mango
  • use a blender to make the mango with the coconut milk into a liquid
  • soak the gelatin leafs in cold water, or prepare as per you brands instructions
  • add the lemon juice, it takes the edge of the heavy coconut cream
  • put the coconut milk mango cream into a pot and heat gently, stir regularly
  • take the squeezed out gelatin that is now soft and stir it into the hot coconut mango mass.
  • Have the cake base ready in a cake ring that is lined with grease proof paper.
  • Let the coconut mango gelatin mass cool before pouring on to the tartelett crusts.
  • Leave that to set before decorating with the spare mango slices.
  • Place in the fridge for setting. The cakes are ready when the cream is fully set.

If you have any cream spare just poor it into bowls or into silicon molds for  a nice dessert.



This cake can be made with most fruit. Some fruit like kiwi-fruit, papaya and pineapple will prevent the gelatin from setting.


MK xx


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