Leftover Fruit bowl, crumble sugar free, with porridge oat base

Leftover Fruit bowl, crumble sugar free, with porridge oat base

    Use up your leftover fruit that has been sitting in the bowl for ages. It's so tempting to just get rid of slightly soft and shrivelled fruit; when no one in the house gives the soft kiwi or wrinkly plum another look, it's time to convert these perfectly good fruits into a delicious crumble treat. I don't know why, but I keep buying kiwis and then they don't get eaten. It's probably because its not as convinient to eat as an apple, having to peal or scoop it to get to the flesh. Then there is the chance that it is very sour which also seems to put me off. Last time I had to turn my Kiwis into something to get them eaten, I made the Kiwi Coconut Truffels, all refreshing and just right for summer season. Now that the days have started to get darker, my body calls for warmer and starchier desserts like crumble and pies.   Last sunday my craving for  a sweet treat needed dealing...
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