Sugar free Junket, historic milk pudding dessert with strawberries

Sugar free Junket, historic milk pudding dessert with strawberries

Junket must be the most basic pudding there is, no starch or gelatine involved, making it a perfect dessert for Vegetarians and Celiac disease sufferers.  This Junket recipe  is also sugar free, sweetened with natural zero calorie stevia sweetener, which makes it suitable for stage 3 of Candida diets. Earlier this year I got bitten by the bug to want to make my own stuff like my parents did when I was little. I am getting fed up with store bought products that have an endlessly long list of strange unspeakable ingredients in them. I am pedantic about knowing what I am putting in my body in the quest to practice perfect dammage control in all areas of my life. How lucky we are that the internet has a large host of recipes and ideas to improve life and food. Now, I have been testing a lot of ice cream parlours that have established themselves as part of dairy milk farms. Most of them also sell a few other products like milk,...
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