Use up your leftover fruit that has been sitting in the bowl for ages. It’s so tempting to just get rid of slightly soft and shrivelled fruit; when no one in the house gives the soft kiwi or wrinkly plum another look, it’s time to convert these perfectly good fruits into a delicious crumble treat.
I don’t know why, but I keep buying kiwis and then they don’t get eaten. It’s probably because its not as convinient to eat as an apple, having to peal or scoop it to get to the flesh. Then there is the chance that it is very sour which also seems to put me off.
Last time I had to turn my Kiwis into something to get them eaten, I made the Kiwi Coconut Truffels, all refreshing and just right for summer season. Now that the days have started to get darker, my body calls for warmer and starchier desserts like crumble and pies.
Last sunday my craving for a sweet treat needed dealing with quickly, so I became a bit inventive and made this sugar free Kiwi Plum crumble.
The base is formed by mixing oats and quark into a thick paste, sweetening it with a little natural stevia fluid extract and lining the bottom of the pie dish with it.
I cut up the shrivelled, unwanted Kiwi and Plums into rough chunks, mixed them and spread them out on top of the makeshift base.
For the crust, I hoped my Suma apple & pear fruit spread would give enough sweetness and stickiness to get a natural caramelised crust.
I mixed the Suma fruit spread concentrate with oat and barley flakes, added a piece of unsalted butter, some almond flakes and a dash of cinnamon, then melted it together in the microwave.
Topped the fruit off with the well mixed fruitspread flake crumble and baked it for only 25min until golden brown.
My practical side was delighted not to have had to go out and get any ingredients to make this recipe, I never have any crackers at home so a cracker base would not have been an option.
Only a couple of days later I made another crumble just like it but filled with apples only. I guess this is going to be my go to emergency treat post workout snack recipe for a while now, it’s so quick and easy and tastes so yummy and has no nasty unhealthy ingredients inside, all the sweetens comes form fuit or stevia.
Makes small oval pie dish dish(22cm x 14cm), approx. 4 servings if you are sharing.
Prep time: 5 min
Baking time: 25 min at 200 degree Celsius middle shelve
Cooling time: 10min
For the base you need:
- 70g porridge oats
- 100g Quark or yoghurt (a thick creamy milk product)
- 1/2 knife-tips Stevia-sweet 90% powder dissolved in 1 table spoons hot water
Note: getting the sweetness to the desired level is a matter of trial and error, the best thing is to start with a smaller amount of whatever Stevia you have on hand, it can be ready-use, liquid or tabs (need to be dissolved too), adding more is easier than diluting – you could end up with a huge amount of treat -Don’t have any Stevia yet? – you can always use normal sweetener products until you are set up.
Fruit filling:
approx. 300g or more tired looking fruit from the fruit bowl
The 1st time used:
- 4 shrivelled Plums
- 3 soft Kiwis
2nd time round:
- 3 small apples
For the sugar free crumble topping you need:
- 30g porridge oats
- 20g barley flakes
- 2 tbs almond flakes
- 2 tbs Suma Apple & Pear fruit spread ( made from fruit concentrate- no added sugar or other stabilisers)
- 25g unsalted butter
- sprinkle of cinnamon to taste

This makes a great lunch box filler too. Beware, you might have people eyeing up your treat wanting some too, like it happened to me. – This is also a husband friendly recipe, had no complaints even though he hates cooked fruit.
Here’s the calorie count.
If divided into 4 servings, 1 pcs approx. 281kcals