Sugar free Marble Cake with Chestnut flour

Sugar free Marble Cake with Chestnut flour

Classic Marble Bundt cake with a sweet nutty marzipan like flavour from the flour and a moist chewy texture. You are right - I did say I wouldn’t use ingredients that aren’t widely available but I could not keep this delicious alternative version of the classic black and white Marble - Bundt cake to myself. I found the chestnut flour at the health food store when I was looking to top up my pantry stocks, I couldn’t resist taking a pack home even though I had no idea what I would use it for. Its been sitting in the cupboard for a week while I searched the net for inspiration and tips on using the novelty ingredient. I finally decided to try using it in a tried and tested classic marble cake recipe to share with all the family.   When I started gathering the ingredients I was still apprehensive about using the flour – it smelled nutty and sweet, I dipped my finger in and...
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