Strawberry Roulade Sponge with Cream – Gluten, Starch and Sugar FREE – sweetened with Stevia

Strawberry Roulade Sponge with Cream – Gluten, Starch and Sugar FREE – sweetened with Stevia

Quick and Easy moist sponge roulade base suitable for celiacs and anyone avoiding grain based recipes. I love that, although I have to stay away from grains and starchy ingredients, I don't have to miss out when it comes to what I like best, a deliciously creamy sunday strawberry cake that has no repercussions on my wellbeing. I use the sponge base which get a luxury touch from the cream for any roulades I make, filling it with seasonal fruits or just with a classic chocolate cream. Sponge Roulades are classic and a delight for most cake and dessert lovers; this roulade is different as it uses natural healthy stevia sweetener  which won't send your blood sugar soaring and then plummeting, causing you to have to go back for 2nds and 3rds that you did not plan to have but your body demands.     Makes: full size oven tray sponge Prep time: 10 min Cooking: 10min at 200 degree celsius pre heated oven (middle shelf)   For the sponge cake base you need: 6 medium eggs 80g ground almonds - mixed...
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