Sugar free Quark Waffles with Stevia

Sugar free Quark Waffles with Stevia

Fluffy, light, crunchy - just the way a waffle should be - bring a bit of Europe to your Easter afternoon tea. I loved waffles as a child– especially the heart shaped ones. When I was little, we sadly only had a square shaped one at home, square is just not the same – it so grown up and strict. Heart shapes are playful, cute and you can rip them out one by one – so when I set up my own home a heart shaped waffle iron was a must. Waffles are great Easter celebration treats, they are quickly made and everyone can add their favourite topping – ice cream would be my first choice. I loooooove ice cream. I often make them for Sunday breakfast; it takes me back to a time when things were easy… Since I like to eat healthy and sugar free, the recipe I use has changed since my childhood. I now make a lighter version using...
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