This very rich chocolate coconut fat cake used to be my sisters favourite when we were little, I used to think it's super dangerous on the waist line.
Not anymore! My birthday was up, the big 30, me being Paleo required some birthday cake planning. I remembered that the Kalte Schnautze cake was a fat laden concoction mainly made with coconut fat, brilliant that works with Paleo I thought and dug out the recipe exchanged ingredients and got to work. No need to break good paleo habits on a birthday!
The cake has no gluten or sugar, I don't see why I would make myself ill on my birthday when I am celebrating a long and happy life.
A little bit of background on this very strange cake.
The cake seems to be popular in many cultures, probably because it is so easy.
You can find it under the name of: Lukullus, Kalte Pracht, Kekstorte, Kalte Torte, Kalte Schnauze, Schwarzer Peter, Kalter Igel, Wandsbeker Speck oder Kellerkuchen.
In Italy, they have a similar...